Monday, September 22, 2008

The Harmful Cigarette

There are lot of people are smoking. Despite of Government warning that cigarette is dangerous to our health. It seems like no effect for a smoker to think how it dangers his life by a cigarette. Sometimes, somebody told that in every single stick of a cigarette you smoked it decreases 1/32 of your life. But the smoker can't believe it because they keep on smoking. But not only the smoker is prone to any illness brought by smoking. The most affected is the non-smoker who inhale the smokes produce by the smoker. They are called the second chance smoker which they are much affected than the smoker. Second chance smoker is more prone to sickness because they inhaled more harmful smoke. And some common sickness that will get by both smoker and second chance smoker are the deadliest lung cancer, emphysema or heart disease, chest pain, cancer in the mouth and larynx, bladder cancer and many more. Look how harmful the smoking is. According to World Health Organizations, there are already million of casualty are already died in different kinds of diseases caused by smoking. Most of these deaths occur in middle age of a smoker.

Smoking is addictive because it has a substance component of nicotine and carbon monoxide which is a harmful gases. These harmful gases affects the increase of your blood pressure and heart rate that cause heart disease that turns to a massive heart attack. Cigarettes also robs your body tissues, your muscles and your brain. It will affects the flow of the oxygen from your body as well as the distribution of oxygen into different systems of your body.

Smoking is a slow way to die which leads to years of suffering. Its just like you are poisoning yourself little by little. So in order to prevent that, you must have a discipline into yourself. Believe into yourself that you can stop smoking. Be aware on the effects of the cigarette into your body. Don't tempting yourself to smoke again. Fix yourself into a healthy lifestyle. Try to exercise everyday and divert yourself in doing something just to prevent yourself in smoking.


Unknown said...

now then wilbert, you are a fool. you obviously have never smoked or else you'd be aware that smokers do know how much harm they're doing to themselves. it's mostly the younger smokers amongst us who find it easy to ignore what they're doing to their bodies. the older generations certainly are aware, from excess wrinkles to just finding it harder to breathe; the ill effects of smoking never leave you. after a few mornings coughing up balls of black phlem, you cannot argue against the harmful effects of tar! older smokers tend to feel that they're 'too old' to quit or that they give in too easily thinking 'well i've always smoked so i can't escape it'. i use to go running every day and play lots of rugby, now a short run knackers me out (still have strong muscles, just not got the lungs) it's very depressing. you certainly can feel the wrongness of smoking, you're just trapped into the routine! personally i'm looking to buy one of those electronic cigarettes to help me quit or at least replace the vast majority of my ciggies with.

oh and just so that you know, when you said 'Sometimes, somebody told that in every single stick of a cigarette you smoked it decreases 1/32 of your life'... doesn't that mean that i'd be dead after 32 cigarettes? yea, nice fact mate :)